Welcome to Christian novelist Jocolby Phillips, the author of two published novels, including the newly released Rise of The Beast: The Tribulation Begins. We’re happy to have you join us, Jocolby!
1. Please describe your journey to becoming a Christian novelist.
Christian fiction resonates with me as a man, a person who loves books, and from my experiences as a Soldier. I noticed that many guys do read fiction books, but they are books that they find relatable to their lives and experiences.
This is especially true for folks I have served within combat zones and other missions away from home. You want to read something that you see your strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and virtues in the characters. The Christian fiction I write provides an opportunity for people to find those things in a novel and provides them what I see as truth as written in the Bible, which can have an even larger impact on their lives.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well my novels have done with women. Women comprise over 50 percent of my fan base, and time and time again remark on how much they enjoy the action and portrayal of women seeking God while being tough and resilient. I see value in writing a Christian fiction book as an active-duty Army officer with many varying experiences and a Christian who has struggled with my faith at times for men and women. Anyone can benefit from discovering the value and the life-changing perspective that a relationship with the God of the Bible offers, and storytelling is a great medium for reaching men.
2. How did you come up with the ideas for your novels?
My job in the military, which deals with special operations and intelligence, leads me to have a natural curiosity about the world around me, the interconnections between events and people; thus I have for many years studied the varying views on Christian end-times doctrine and world events which allow for a perspective in my books being presented by someone that has seen or studied the effects described in the book from the first-hand political, economic. The religious viewpoints my experiences have provided me over the years.
3. How do you typically go about incorporating faith into your stories?
The message of hope that Jesus Christ brings to anyone, the lost, broken, addicts, rich, old, and young, is interwoven within the book through the central characters’ personal struggles. For my debut series, this message stands in front of the backdrop of a foretold terrible period of human history, known in Christianity as the Tribulation.
4. What do you find to be the most challenging thing about being a writer?
Structuring my time between writing, marketing, and being a father, husband, and soldier.
5. What do you enjoy most about writing?
The best thing about this journey is how the Lord has used it to bring me closer to him. I’ve spent more time reading, studying, and enjoying my Bible study due to my writing. It has been unexpected but should’ve been an expected blessing.
6. How do you find time to write?
I made a promise to myself after starting the first book that I would spend at least two hours a day writing. I missed that mark a few times but having a daily reminder to write when I first wake up helps.
7. Do you have a new novel in the works? If so, tell us about it!
Yes, I am excited, proud, and honestly surprised that I’m writing my third novel, which also serves as the next installment in my debut series. The third book, Wrath of The Lamb, continues the saga of the remnants of an elite U.S. special operations team who finds new hope and purpose after the Rapture fighting against the Antichrist.
8. When you’re not writing, how do you like to spend your time?
The best thing is spending time with my family. If 2020 taught me anything, it is family is precious. I have two young children, so hanging out with them when I’m not serving the country or writing is priority number one.
Thanks for taking the time to visit with us, Jocolby. God bless you and your writing!
Be sure to visit Jocolby’s author website at www.christianwarriorfiction.com.